Re: Biblewheel: Tit for Tat (Richard's challenge)?

Date: Mon Sep 15 2003 - 14:49:42 EDT

  • Next message: Howard J. Van Till: "Re: Strange Bedfellows, Atheism and Naturaistic Theism"

    Hello Don,

    You wrote:

    > I conclude that Richard's biblewheel is based mainly on coincidence
    > and is of little theological significance.

    I address this conclusion in detail in my post called "A Cavalcade of
    Coincidence" where I list eleven high-level super-obvious "coincidences"
    that are strikingly beautiful, theologically significant, and in many cases
    *optimal* with regards to the feature under consideration. Here is the link
    to the post:

    One would not think it necessary to constantly reiterate that strikingly
    beautiful theologically significant optimal structures inextricably embedded
    in the Word of God are probably not properly understood as the product of
    mere "coincidence."

    > I say "mainly on coincidence" because I think it likely
    > that in the canon of the OT there are precisely 12 books
    > of the Minor Prophets and 12 historical books
    > because 12 is also the number of tribes of Israel, and
    > that there are 5 wisdom books and 5 books grouped as
    > the major prophets because there are also 5 books
    > in the Law. (Note that Lamentations is part of the
    > Kethubim -- not the Nebi'im, in the MT scriptures).
    > Sure, the primary reason for inclusion in the canon would
    > be a book's intrinsic merit, but when it came down to
    > borderline cases considerations of numerical symmetry
    > could have been a consideration. Esther, which does not
    > mention God, made it into the canon. Judith, which says a lot
    > about God, did not make it.

    Can you cite any historical evidence for there being a conscious connection
    between the 12 tribes and the selection of the 12 Minor Prophets in the
    minds of those involved in the process? Can you cite any OT scholars who
    would agree with you on this? You might as well argue that the 12 inches in
    a foot correspond to the twelve tribes if you have neither historical nor
    scholastic support for your assertion.

    And where was God in all this? Are you saying that the selection was a mere
    human one, and that God did not inspire specifically the 12? What then is
    your opinion of the Word of God? Do you believe there is such a thing as a
    "Christian Canon?" If so, which one do you believe in?

    Yet even if we assent to your assertion for the sake of argument, you still
    have the problem explaining why the symmetry of the 66 book canon is
    *missing* from the Roman Catholic, Greek Orthodox, and Jewish canonical
    structures if indeed "numerical symmetry" was a consideration in the
    formation of these different canons. It seems that the historical evidence
    controverts your assertion about what is "likely."

    Of course, your approach also fails to explain how the symmetry could remain
    hidden till the end of the 20th century if it was, in fact, part of the
    process used in establishing the structure of the Canon. Why has nobody in
    the history of the world ever seen this? Doesn't the fact that this is a
    *discovery* greatly amplify the implication of divine origin?

    Concerning Lamentations: Since it is not in the Prophets in the MT, where do
    you think it should go in the Christian Canon? The "likely" answer seems to
    be History, since it records the destruction of Jerusalem. But perhaps it
    would go better in the Wisdom books because it is poetic (and acrostic). But
    then we would have either 13 History books or 6 Wisdom books, or some other
    category altogether. In any case, such a change would destroy the Canon
    Wheel symmetry. Move one little book like Lamentations and BOOM! The entire
    structure is destroyed. No bilateral symmetry, no radial symmetry. Its not
    nearly as "likely" as you suggest. In reality, there is one chance in
    688,324 that 66 objects divided into seven arbitrary divsions would exhibit
    the bilateral and radial symmetry seen in the Canon Wheel. Here's the proof:

    Lamentations is included in the Major Prophets because it was written by a
    Major Prophet, Jeremiah. If we followed what seemed "likely" we would likely
    destroy the Canon Wheel.

    There are other aspects impacted by these considerations. There is an
    interesting relation between the bilaterally symmetric 5 Major Prophets and
    5 NT History books. In both cases, there are 5 books written by 4 authors.
    The Wheel reveals many biblical symmetries like this never before noted.
    Here is a link to an article that lists a bunch of them, called "Symmetries
    of the Bible Wheel:"

    The Bible Wheel has provided unparalleled insight into the structure of Holy
    Scripture. I have a thousand pages of insights published on my site from
    little more than two years efforts (and only in the last year have I been
    able to devote myself fulltime, before that I held a fulltime job at GE as
    Sr. Systems Engineer). Such intellectual fecundity is not from my own
    genius, let me assure you! ;-)

    Good talking,

    I look forward to your response,

    In service of Christ, the Beauty of God's Holiness,

    Discover the sevenfold symmetric perfection of the Holy Bible at

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