Re: Evolution and Salvation

From: Graham Morbey (
Date: Mon Sep 15 2003 - 12:38:01 EDT

  • Next message: Terry M. Gray: "Re: Strange Bedfellows, Atheism and Naturaistic Theism"

    Without getting too technical at this point, the Bible teaches that
    salvation pertains to the whole creation, ie., see John 3:16. Human
    beings, a part of that creation, will also share in cosmic salvation. The
    work of Jesus encompasses the whole of created reality. Perhaps, the point
    in human evolution when a recognition of God and a response to God's call
    could be made was the point when humankind began to know God.


    On Mon, 15 Sep 2003, Walter Hicks wrote:

    > I suspect that many resist the notion of evolution
    > and an old earth partially because it is difficult
    > to sort out just when "creatures" became mankind
    > and to whom does salvation by Jesus Christ apply,
    > historically? Evidently Abraham made the grade.
    > Who else prior to him?.
    > I suspect that many theologians on this list have
    > tackled that question. Any suggestions?
    > Walt
    > --
    > ===================================
    > Walt Hicks <>
    > In any consistent theory, there must
    > exist true but not provable statements.
    > (Godel's Theorem)
    > You can only find the truth with logic
    > If you have already found the truth
    > without it. (G.K. Chesterton)
    > ===================================

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