Re: My daughter is a YEC

From: Howard J. Van Till (
Date: Sat Sep 13 2003 - 08:41:53 EDT

  • Next message: Dick Fischer: "Re: ICR/AIG claims"

    One comment on a portion of this discussion.

    I take both of the following to be true.

    1. You cannot empirically distinguish between a) a universe with a real 14
    billion year history from b) one that is 6000 years old (or 6 minutes old)
    with a built-in appearance of having had a 14 billion year history.

    2. You cannot empirically distinguish between a) a creation fully-gifted by
    God with a robust formational economy (including the ability to evolve) and
    b) the universe of materialism that just happens to exist and also happens
    to have a robust formational economy (including the ability to evolve).

    Does that mean that there is no way to evaluate the relative merits of
    propositions a) and b) in each example? No, it means that that evaluation
    must be made on criteria other than empirical -- theological, biblical,
    philosophical, aesthetic, ....

    Howard Van Till

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