Re: Tit for Tat?

From: John W Burgeson (
Date: Thu Sep 11 2003 - 16:39:52 EDT

  • Next message: Dick Fischer: "Re: Tit for Tat?"

    Allen asked: "Does Hugh Ross imply in the following that YECs might be in
    spiritual jeopardy?"

    Whether or not Ross thinks so, I will assert that I certainly think so.
    Not the belief itself, but what happens when the YECer finally decides to
    study the evidences w/o bias, and finds out he or she has been
    systematically misled for many years by those previously held in high

    I have seen a friend of 60 years standing go from being an evangelistic,
    devoted, witnessing Christian in his youth to a complete rejection of all
    religions when he found out how badly the YEC snake oil had misled him.
    In High School and college he was an outstanding scholar. He retired a
    couple of years ago from a Pitney-Bowles Vice Presidency position. In
    spite of his intellect, he never did figure out that Christianity and
    YECism are not bedfellows.

    As the night watchman at the garbage dump said: "A waste is a terrible
    thing to mind."


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