Re: Tit for Tat?

From: Howard J. Van Till (
Date: Thu Sep 11 2003 - 12:14:21 EDT

  • Next message: Howard J. Van Till: "Re: Tit for Tat?"

    >From: "Ted Davis" <>

    > A large number of people in the ID community believe that Howard Van Till
    > is an extremely dangerous person, spiritually, that he is (as it were) the
    > person who takes your ticket to ride the "slippery slope" to disbelief in
    > God. (I'm not saying anything Howard doesn't already know, he's probably
    > reading this.)

    Yes, Ted, I am reading this. No, it is not news to me.

    There is a remarkable irony in this expression of fear that I am encouraging
    people to ride the slippery slope to disbelief in God. The truth is that I
    am thinking about God more than ever. In fact, I have alerted several
    friends to the fact that if there is ever a few second lull in our social
    conversation, I will probably get a distant look on my face and be deep into
    thought, working on my portrait of God.

    So, to all who are worried about me, or fear me as "an extremely dangerous
    person, spiritually," relax. I believe in the reality of God more than ever,
    even though my God-portrait (far from finished) may appear different from
    the God-portrait distributed in many evangelical Christian churches today.

    Howard Van Till

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