Re: Science Taken From the Bible (KJV)

From: gordon brown (
Date: Wed Sep 10 2003 - 15:15:02 EDT

  • Next message: D. F. Siemens, Jr.: "Re: ICR/AIG claims"

    Dear chromatech2,

    I don't think anyone on this list has the time to respond to each item on
    your list of alleged errors in the Bible. Whoever compiled this list
    obviously hasn't studied the Bible in the original languages and has used
    the KJV instead. He also presumes some ludicrous interpretations of many
    Biblical passages. On what basis can he declare what is or is not moral?

    If the Bible really were full of errors, how would that justify your being
    an atheist? If you had not looked at the Bible, but had found what you
    thought were a lot of errors in the Koran, would that be a good reason for
    being an atheist?

    Gordon Brown
    Department of Mathematics
    University of Colorado
    Boulder, CO 80309-0395

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