Re: How old is "spiritual" humanity

From: Jim Armstrong (
Date: Tue Sep 09 2003 - 12:56:38 EDT

  • Next message: John W Burgeson: "Responses"

    WRT the time line, I think it communicates better as a countdown of
    days, hours, minutes, seconds to midnight 2003. Use of dates requires
    extra processing to assimilate.
    I personally like the 24-hour analogy just because it avoids the extra
    layer of dates. JimA

    John W Burgeson wrote:

    >I have just placed on my web site, page 6, week 3, a chart which I plan
    >to expose to high schoolers in class next Sunday. It contains data
    >relevant to when "spiritual humanity" appeared. Adam and Eve, if you
    >Comments on it appreciated.
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