From: Dick Fischer (
Date: Tue Sep 09 2003 - 12:33:37 EDT
Here are ten observations that should stump any card-carrying YEC. Want more?
1. We have produced radiometric elements in particle accelerators with half
lives too short to be found in nature. Due to the earth's great age, all
have long decayed - yet they should be present on a young earth. YEC
cannot explain the total absence of short-lived radioactive elements.
2. Knowing the amount of heat generated when radiometric elements decay, if
all that heat were concentrated in such a short time span, it would have
boiled away the oceans and incinerated Noah and his animals. YEC cannot
explain how such a great amount of heat could be dissipated in such a short
time period.
3. Meteorites and moon rocks have been dated with numerous radiometric
techniques and always yield ages in the billions of years. YEC cannot
explain consistent old ages in the rock samples.
4. No fossil animal remains have been found in miles thick pre-Cambrian
sedimentary rock. YEC cannot explain this absence.
5. Fish, salamanders, and crickets have been found in caves that evolved
over millions of years and no longer have eyes, their having bred in
continual darkness. YEC cannot explain how animals could devolve eyes in
such a short time period.
6. Magnetizeable materials in the ocean floor are oriented with the earth's
polarity at the time they boiled up at the Mid-Atlantic rift and
solidified. These show numerous reversals in polarity over many thousands
of years. YEC cannot explain reversals in polarity.
7. The Cambrian, Jurassic, and Cenozoic Periods have identifiable animal
life forms associated with them. We do not find any overlap in the fossil
record as we would expect had they been homogenized in a global flood. YEC
cannot explain how animal remains are consistently found grouped with the
remains of other animals of the same period with no co-mingling with
animals that lived at other periods.
8. Coral grows at relatively known rates depending on the species. We have
found coral nearly a mile in thickness in places that would require many
thousands of years of continual growing. No YEC scenario explains how
coral could accumulate to such thicknesses in a such a short time frame.
9. When the continents split apart 200 million years ago, the continent of
Antarctica drifted eventually over the South Pole. Dinosaur remains have
been found there that existed when the continents were joined, but since
mammals did not exist at that time there are no equivalent mammal
remains. YEC cannot explain the absence of fossil remains of land-based
mammals in Antarctica.
10. The sheer amount of coal and oil that has been found on the earth's
surface could not have materialized from the amount of organic material
that could have accumulated in the short time YECs allow between the
creation and the flood. YEC cannot explain the abundance of fossil fuel
found all over the earth.
Dick Fischer - Genesis Proclaimed Association
Finding Harmony in Bible, Science, and History
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