
Date: Tue Sep 09 2003 - 12:32:50 EDT

  • Next message: Tom Pearson: "Re: The Problem of Good"

    Hi Glenn,

    I wrote:
    > >But this brings me back to one thing that I brought up before. If this
    > >is the case, I would also think we would have to conclude that at least
    > >some of the claims of ESP are true, unless the human mind is completely
    > >and utterly non-quantum in nature.
    > >
    > >Could we also know something of the mind of God?

    you wrote:

    > If your assumption is true--i.e. that MWH gives rise to ESP and ESP is
    > true,
    > then I would have to ultimately agree with Steve Bishop that Christianity
    > then has serious problems.

    Keep in mind, I have no personal interest in ESP. In fact, I cannot think
    of a single instance in my life where I think that I might have experienced
    it or something like it. Up to now at least, I have been inclined to
    suspect that the majority (probably all) of the ESP claims are bunk.

    The main point I was making was that we shouldn't have to wait for a
    fully function 20k register quantum computer to decide if Deutches'
    idea is true. I think the human mind itself should already show signs
    of this, at least assuming that the mind has even a small and fleeting
    number of QM registers.

    Thanks much for the references!

    By Grace alone we proceed,

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