Re: My daughter is a YEC

From: John W Burgeson (
Date: Mon Sep 08 2003 - 12:03:53 EDT

  • Next message: John W Burgeson: "HS class"

    Dave wrote: "This means that God deliberately mislead or, to phrase it
    more bluntly, produced a lie to deceive the majority of human beings. If
    he lied in this area, one what basis can I hold that he did not lie in
    scripture? "

    I have never been impressed with this argument. After all, it is pretty
    clear that while no instance of God "telling a lie" is generally accepted
    in scripture, at least some instances of him expressly telling someone
    else to tell a partial truth with the intent to mislead exist. I refer to
    what God told Moses to tell Pharaoh. He told Moses to tell Pharaoh only
    that the tribe wished to go out to the desert "to worship," with the
    clear implication that Pharaoh would not grasp the fact that the tribe
    was planning a total escape.

    I am not convinced that lying is always sinful. 99.44% of the time, yes.
    But sometimes... .


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