Purported Flood and ancient humanity evidence

From: Glenn Morton (glennmorton@entouch.net)
Date: Wed Sep 03 2003 - 07:15:51 EDT

  • Next message: George Murphy: "Re: Van Till's Ultimate Gap"

    David Campbell wrote:
    >>Another article looked at the degree of differentiation between head lice
    and body lice; the latter habitually live on clothing. Using a molecular
    clock, which is not a method that I especially trust, and the doubtful
    assumption that body lice diverged from head lice as soon as clothing came
    into use, they suggest that clothing came into use about 72,000 years ago.
    However, depending on the merits of the molecular clock calculation, this
    might represent a reasonable minimum date for clothing. The presence of
    hominids in cold climates long before this, for example, suggests some use
    of clothes. <<

    I saw this report while I was on vacation in Thailand, Malasia, Japan and
    Singapore. My thought is that the claims (made in New Scientist) are typical
    of the Out of Africa group (who believe that modern humans replaced everyone
    else in the world in the past 200,000 years. Stoneking is quoted

    "There's a very distinct possibility that clothing was one of the factors
    allowing the spread of humans,' says Mark Stoneking of the Max Planck
    Institute for Evolutionary Anthropology in Leipzig, Germany." New Scientists
    Aug 23, 2003, p. 22

    As David points out, there were people, (engaging in Art, religion, and
    other typically human activities) living in northern climes as long as
    400,000 years PRIOR to when Stonking claims. Stoneking, like many out of
    africa advocates, simply ignore this simply little fact. Clothing was going
    to be required, even for hairy apes to occupy cold climates. The only
    primates which exist in cold climates are those like the ones who live in
    geothermal pools in the winter in Japan. Primates even with hair are poorly
    adapted to the cold.

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