RE: Student perceptions re evolution

From: Allen (
Date: Tue Aug 26 2003 - 01:04:08 EDT

  • Next message: Steve Bishop: "Re: methodological naturalism - origin of the term?"

    There is another way that Evolution is a fact.

    If one starts with Ontological Naturalism which
    basically states that Nature is all there is, has ever
    been and will ever be, and there is nothing outside of
    nature that can influence it in any way then:

    1. Because there was at one time no life forms and now
    there are, then Abiogenesis MUST be a fact.

    2. Because there was at one time no life forms and now
    there are many kinds or species then Evolution MUST be
    a fact.

    What is not known is just how Abiogenesis happened and
    precisly how Evolution worked to result in the origin
    of species. There are theories of evolution derived to
    try to explain the absolute FACTS of Abiogenesis and

    Obviously, YECs do not start with Ontological
    Naturalism and so for them, Abiogenesis and Evolution
    are not required facts, and theories of evolution are
    exercises in futility.

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