Re: Student perceptions re evolution

From: Preston Garrison (
Date: Thu Aug 21 2003 - 17:36:40 EDT

  • Next message: George Murphy: "Re: Student perceptions re evolution"

    >Not to be exclusive and recognizing that we're not a large number
    >here, it might be interesting to poll the Ph.D.'s in the life
    >sciences on this list to see how many of them believe that
    >biological evolution is a well established theory--perhaps asking
    >the question in the form stated in Howard's original post.
    >In your judgment, is biological evolution a well established theory?
    >Yes or No
    >If you want to participate, please send me
    >( your Ph.D. institution, graduation year,
    >major/department and your unqualified answer. I want life
    >scientists--no geologists (unless you're a paleontologist) and no
    >cosmologists, astronomers, physicists (unless you're an exobiologist
    >or biophysicist). No M.D.'s unless you're an MD/PhD with the Ph.D.
    >in the life sciences.
    >You get the drift, right?

    "Biological evolution" is ambiguous as to what it includes. How about
    a more precise definition such as "common descent of all living
    things?" so we don't have all the quibbles about mechanism?

    Preston G.

    (Did you really think we could get away without qualifications?) ;)


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