Re: Darwin quote

From: Brian Harper (
Date: Wed Aug 13 2003 - 16:16:10 EDT

  • Next message: "RE: different thread"

    At 11:18 AM 8/13/2003 -0400, Walter Hicks wrote:
    >I agree that all of these (and ones offered by Terry) affect evolution,
    >but I don't see most of them as alternatives to natural selection. For the
    >most part they introduce variation and then natural selection filters out
    >the ones that are not useful for survival. Catastrophic changes are an
    >exception and certainly would represent a non-"Darwinian" effect.

    I think you raise an interesting question. Let me try
    rephrasing it, hopefully without destroying your intent.

    Suppose we limit ourselves to the most "interesting"
    results of evolution. Things that Dawkins would say
    appear to have been designed for a purpose. Or,
    better stated, adaptations. Cases where there seems
    to be a fine-tuning between form and function.

    Are there any scientific explanations for adaptations
    other than natural selection?

    Brian Harper

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