Re: Fibbonacci and other mathematical patterns in shells

From: Michael Roberts (
Date: Tue Aug 12 2003 - 16:12:44 EDT

  • Next message: John W Burgeson: "Re: Response to Wally Hicks post made June 12th"

    Thanks for this, I could visualize the coiling and half remembered the
    Perhaps one can also consider coastal forms as fractals but one needs to be
    good at maths and geomorphology.
    What concerns me is the willingness of people with mathematical knowledge
    who devise theoretical algorithms without the actual experience of dealing
    with life forms. This is where IDers fall down and need to get into serious
    and detailed study of forms, taking full note of their date and historical
    order. But then ID regards the age of the earth and thus all geological ages
    as irrelevant to the argument.
    David will be able to give more examples of maths applied to biological
    forms, but I would prefer to, leave it to someone who knows what he is
    talking about.
    I cant help comparing the theoretical calculations, algorithms (which mean
    nothing to me) and mathematical models of ID to the perfect celestial
    spheres of pre-Copernican astronomy. The trouble is God or nature never does
    what we think OUGHT to have happened.
    Whoops! I've done it again.


    ----- Original Message -----
    From: "bivalve" <>
    To: <>
    Sent: Tuesday, August 12, 2003 7:36 PM
    Subject: Fibbonacci and other mathematical patterns in shells

    > Some references on shell shapes, which have a lot of interesting
    mathematical properties despite being formed without intelligent
    > Raup, D. M. 1962. Computer modeling as an aid in describing form in
    gastropod snails. Science 138: 150 - 152.
    > Raup, D. M. 1966. Geometric analysis of shell coiling: General problems.
    J. Paleontol. 40: 1178 - 1190.
    > Perhaps even more challenging on this general theme is the presence of
    complex patters with no apparent function at all. Apart from a general
    function as camouflage (including the benefits of confusing a predator by
    having lots of different patterns), the details of shell color seem to have
    no particular purpose, yet they often have beautiful and complex forms. The
    Algorithmic Beauty of Sea Shells by H. Meinhardt characterizes many of the
    patterns mathematically.
    > Dr. David Campbell
    > Old Seashells
    > University of Alabama
    > Biodiversity & Systematics
    > Dept. Biological Sciences
    > Box 870345
    > Tuscaloosa, AL 35487-0345 USA
    > That is Uncle Joe, taken in the masonic regalia of a Grand Exalted
    Periwinkle of the Mystic Order of Whelks-P.G. Wodehouse, Romance at
    Droitgate Spa

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