Date: Wed Aug 06 2003 - 18:09:02 EDT
I have a question about Justice Scalia's dissent:
> "State laws against bigamy, same-sex marriage, adult incest, prostitution,
> masturbation, adultery, fornication, bestiality, and obscenity are likewise
> sustainable only in light of...validation of laws based on moral choices.
The laws against bigamy mainly seem to protect the state from two people
claiming the same spouses benefits - which is more of a fraud thing. Prostitution
is legal in Nevada and cases have been made that it should be legalized on
the idea that a woman has the right to be stupid with her own body. But as for
the rest - are there laws against these now? It's sort of obvious people
commit adultery - but no one is arresting Kobe Bryant for that, even though he has
admitted to it. And if there were really laws against fornication, lots of
people would be in jail. I know there are laws to protect minors - but are
there really laws out there saying what two heterosexual consenting adults can do
in private? If there are laws against these things they sure aren't being
upheld now. I realize I live in the liberal capital of Texas, but even when I go
back to Western Michigan - which is about as conservative a place as you'll
find - I don't see newspaper headlines of people being locked up. I don't even
remember that from a kid in the 1950's.
I guess my question is what laws are Justice Scalia talking about? Is there
a whole set of things that say we can lock up people for adultery or
fornication or masturbation? No offense intended to anyone's views, but if there are
such laws, I'm not sure that would be the best use of our public safety
Janet Rice
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