In a message dated 4/3/03 1:30:13 AM Eastern Standard Time, writes:

So many Christians are so naive that they want to believe YEC rubbish. It
would be uncharitable to call i t anyhting else.

 “If Christian leaders have told the next generation that one can accept the world’s teachings in geology, biology, astronomy, etc., and use these to (re)interpret God’s Word, then the door has been opened for this to happen in every area, including morality.”32

That's Ken Ham from an AiG newsletter  - if you could demonstrate that the morality remained after the creationism died he might (or others like him) be more likely to consider your position. But from what Ham says above, no Christian scientist has conclusively demonstrated that Biblical morality would remain if evolutionary arguments were incorporated. It is the morality Ham wants to maintain, not the science. He damns the science for threatening the morality. My experience is that vast numbers of people don't want the morality including scientists and the clergy so the churches are being watered down to accept the immoral rather then looking for reasons to uphold the morality like Ken Ham does. Levitical law promotes healthy population demographics and a cohesive society. It is true, that vast numbers of people cannot appreciate evolutionary arguments when the topic is religion but no one has yet written a piece that would reconcile the religion with the science although many have claimed to like the recent Darwin's Cathedral by Wilson (he hints and provides clues but falls short).
