RE: breaking into camps of 'us' and 'them'.

From: Debbie Mann (
Date: Wed Apr 30 2003 - 20:36:29 EDT

Liberty: I like pork, lasagna and shrimp - all forbidden to Orthodox Jews
and I really don't want to have to sleep in the guest room once a month and
then go bathe in rain water before I can move back into my own bed. There
are other such laws in Leviticus, probably equally anarchical to disobey.
  -----Original Message-----
  From: []
  Sent: Wednesday, April 30, 2003 7:09 PM
  Subject: breaking into camps of 'us' and 'them'.

  In a message dated 4/29/03 6:47:12 PM Eastern Daylight Time, writes:

    The laws against incest seem to me to be intuitively obvious.

    Beyond that it seems that you are advising separation of cultures as a
necessity. Are you posing this theory as a scientist observing objectively?
Or do you support this position philosophically?

  I am not advising separation of cultures. I am not advising anything. I am
telling you that serious scientific study has been done on Judaism and that
the studies demonstrate that orthodox Judaism separates itself from other
cultures to protect its communities form poor reproductive practices. They
observe the levitical prohibitions to maintain high birth rates and they are
genetically separated to purify their lines. That's why the IQ differentials
exist. My philosophy is Christian.
  Why are you concerned about my philosophy? I would have thought that with
such information you would have asked: what does that mean for Old Testament
philosophy and is what he is saying supported by other references in the
Bible other than these levitical prohibitions?

  I am a member of the Human Behavior and Evolution Society who traveled to
Amherst college in 2000 to listen to conference member scientists debate
MacDonald's trilogy of Judaism, a historic event.

    I personally believe that the greatest cause of evil between 'nice
people' (definition left loose intentionally) is the breaking into camps of
'us' and 'them'. Our society is finally learning some mutual respect.
Cultural seclusion tends to lead to misunderstanding which leads to some of
the bad results of 'us' and 'them'.

  Then what are you going to do about Judaism? Who are you talking to? I
mean, since I'm right about the facts and can get you the references, and
have a Christian philosophy, you're preaching to the choir. Orhtodox Jewish
communities are self-segregated. That's a fact.

    Further, genetically, the advantage seems to be in having a broad gene
pool. Inbreeding weakens races, not strengthens them.

  They do have a broad gene pool.

    Am I correct in interpreting that you are suggesting using the levitical
prohibitions to 'protect us against the sins of man?' And that you are
advising us to not 'stand fast in the liberty to which ye are called'? Or
are you just proposing that society should take a stronger stance in
preventing sexual acts, such as incest, which implant weak seed in our

  I'm saying that the increase in illicit sexual activity is weakening the
society, dropping our numbers, destabilizing our communities.
  I don't know what you mean by standing fast in the liberty... are you an
anarchist? :)
  I'm not proposing anything.


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