Evangelizing Atheistic Big Bang Proponents

From: igevolution@earthlink.net
Date: Mon Apr 21 2003 - 15:00:24 EDT

  • Next message: Stein A. Stromme: "Quoting (Was: Re: fine tuning)"

    Dear friends,=20

    I have been invited by my pastor (after our discussion about the appearance=
      of age and the goodness of God--thank you all) to present an argument usin=
    g the Big Bang in evangelism. He wanted me to write a brief summary of the=
      argument and submit it to him before the lecture. The summary is attached=

    [MODERATOR NOTE: No attachments are allowed on this list. Jason, you
    should include it as text only or put it on the web somewhere and give us the

    . Being a Biologist, my familiarity with the Big Bang theory does not stem =
    directly from my education. Consequently, I might have some things wrong. =
      Before taking this to my local body, I'd like to make sure I have it strai=
    ght. I've purposely simplified the science. I'm not worrying about the ti=
    me required for each era or the details of the formation of matter and anti=
    -matter. My audience will be decidely non-scientific. Still, I don't want=
      to be in error. The theological argument stems from the well-known kalam =
    cosmological argument taught in my theology classes at Biola, but I have ex=
    tended it far beyond its classical formulation. Any cricicisms or correcti=
    ons would be greatly appreciated. Thank you.=20

    Jason Alley

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