re: Fine Tuning - Gravity

From: Debbie Mann (
Date: Sat Apr 12 2003 - 10:57:08 EDT

  • Next message: Dick Fischer: "Re: Benjamin Wiker on ID (fwd)..Fine Tuning"

    BlankI think everybody is aware of the fine tuning required to keep the
    matter in the universe from spinning off uncontrollably, and of the search
    for dark matter and/or dark energy. Lisa Randall, brought up in Strange
    Matters by Siegfried has hypothesized that gravity is nonlinear and that it
    is much stronger in other dimensions. The implications of finely tuned
    gravity are huge.

    As I understand it, gravity is what pulled our solar systems and our planets
    together. Without the right amount of gravity, our planet would either be a
    bunch of small asteroids or even space dust or it would have been pulled
    into the sun. Too little gravity and we would have no atmosphere, or not
    enough. Too much and physiologically we'd be unsuited for our environment.

    Those of you who reject Fine Tuning - what do you think God is doing? Do you
    believe he speaks to his people and has them do the current fine tuning? Do
    you think he's standing back watching to see how we'll handle his gifts? Do
    you believe he tweaks things only on request? I hear what some people DON'T
    believe about fine tuning - but what do you believe as the alternative?

    I got Dick Fisher's web link - and I'll peruse it later. Is that the

    By the way, since I suddenly leaped into your correspondence with both feet
    the day I found your web page:
    I've been doing research for almost a year on these related topics for a
    series of fiction books (I have an agent, no publisher as of yet). The
    research has become its own little monster, crying for attention. My day job
    is in electrical engineering. I belong to the Christian Reformed Church. I
    have an MS in Applied Math. I'm very excited about some of the sources of
    additional information that many of you have mentioned. I have a mental
    picture of a god who has great respect for the science which he created and
    who has great difficulty (not that God can have difficulty) in not tweaking
    his creation frequently in order to make things better. But, being all
    knowing, and being able to see in the future, He knows the implications of
    not allowing us to reap what we sow - as a global people. If He helps
    everyone who is wronged, then we don't learn not to wrong. And so forth. I
    do believe in His constant involvement - particularly in those who have
    accepted the gift of His Son.

    Debbie Mann, PE
    Debbie Mann Consulting


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