new additions to my web page

From: Glenn Morton (
Date: Thu Apr 10 2003 - 16:00:22 EDT

  • Next message: Robert Schneider: "Re: Benjamin Wiker on ID"

    I have just added the 19th century authors, George Redford and George
    Rawlinson to my long page on 19th century literalism. While Michael and I
    might agree about Woody, I will not back down on my claim that biblical
    literalism and YECism both existed in the mid to late 1800s but that they
    were busy producing books which went through multiple editions.

    Concerning that, Michael called what I am doing farce. I never got an
    answer to the question I asked him. How many YECs and biblical literalists
    will it take for you to acknoweldge that the movement never died? And that
    it wasn't 'virtually extinct. That shouldn't be a difficult question to

    Rawlinson, by the way, gave the 1859 Bampton lectures in which he argued
    that the Bible was "All tends to show that we possess in the Pentateuch, not
    only the most authentic account of ancient times that have come down to us,
    but a history absolutely and in every respect true." (Rawlinson, 1859, p.

    This lecture was delivered to Oxford, hardly a backwoods place in the
    mid-19th century. He also accepted Biblical chronology literally.

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