Re: Calvinistic Epistemology

From: Jan de Koning (
Date: Mon Jan 27 2003 - 10:21:29 EST

  • Next message: Denyse O'Leary: "Re: BIBLE/ORIGINS: seeking feedback"

    At 10:55 AM 25/01/2003 -0700, John Burgeson wrote:
    >Jan wrote: "But no true Christian will then say: therefor we can have
    >"true" (but this is now "true" in another context) knowledge of anything
    >Quoting out of context is not a very nice way to get your point across."
    >My quote was from Terry's post and, if out of context, I apologize. I am
    >trying to understand this issue, not preach about it. Terry will no doubt
    >be able to say if I "got my point across" or was just whistling in the
    >wind. I do that sometimes. (G)
    >I am uncomfortable with your continued use of the term "true Christian."
    >Are there "false Christians?"

    Yes, there are, but I accept everyone who says that Jesus died for his/her
    sins as a fellow Christian. However, whole nations, like Canada and the
    USA are called Christian nations. I think they are not. In the eyes of
    Muslim, everyone here, who is not a Muslim is a Christian.
    There are even people calling themselves Christians, without accepting that
    Jesus died for their sins.


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