Re: An interesting essay for evangelicals

From: Robert Schneider (
Date: Wed Jan 22 2003 - 23:00:29 EST

  • Next message: Iain Strachan: "Re: Roy Clements"

    Moorad writes:

    > I believe Jesus does address the issue of homosexuality in Mark 10:6-8
    “But from the beginning of creation, God MADE THEM MALE AND FEMALE. FOR
    BECOME ONE FLESH; so they are no longer two, but one flesh.” Jesus
    certainly defines what Christian marriage is. So much for homosexual
    marriages! Also in the epistle to the Ephesians 5:22-33, Paul uses
    Christian marriage to teach the relationship of Christ to the Church, where
    Paul quotes the above verses, which are actually found in the Old Testament.

    Bob's reply:

        Moorad, I think these two quotations are perfect examples of taking
    verses out of context and then drawing illogical conclusions from them. The
    context of Jesus' allusion to Genesis 2:24 is a discussion on divorce, not
    same-sex relations; Jesus was stating that he deems Moses' permission of
    divorce was a concession to men's "hardness of heart," and goes on to say to
    his disciples later that to remarry after divorce is to commit adultery (in
    Matt. 19:9, Jesus is reported as making an exception for unchastity). If
    you were arguing that therefore Jesus was opposed to divorce, I could see
    your point. But to claim that he was addressing the issue of homosexuality
    is to read into his statement something that is not there. Sorry, but this
    argument is not logical. The same is the case for the statement about
    marital relations in the household code in Ephesians 5. To conclude that
    this writer was implying a negative judgment about same-sex relations by the
    mere fact that he is making statements about the relations between husbands
    and wives is to draw an erroneous conclusion. This is aside from the fact
    that enduring same-sex relationships as the equivalent to marriage were not
    a feature of the cultures of the Roman Empire of that time, as I stated in
    my note; therefore, it was not a concept that one should expect either Jesus
    or Paul to think about, or that the matter would have ever come up for
    discussion. I doubt very much it was in their minds when the one spoke and
    the other wrote.


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