Re: Does the Bible teach a flat earth?

From: Jan de Koning (
Date: Thu Jan 02 2003 - 10:26:48 EST

  • Next message: John Burgeson: "(no subject)"

    At 02:01 PM 01/01/2003 +0000, Jim Eisele wrote:

    >If I may touch upon Jan's "denigrating Christianity"
    >remarks first. I support the truth. To the degree that
    >Christianity coincides with the truth, I "support" Christianity.
    >When a Christian says, "it's a mystery and I can't support it,
    >but I believe" I say very well and I'm always happy to talk
    >later if you like. For the purposes of this list, I don't see
    >what the big deal is about this approach.

    Since my name is mentioned, I do think that you quote me out of
    context. For one thing, what you call "truth" is not my definition of
    "truth." Truth outside the Bible is truth without God, so that basic
    difference is already enough to make talking about "truth" difficult if not

    >I realize I'm not addressing many of your questions, Blake,
    >but, to me, this was the most important one. Absolutely
    >this is why I was a Christian. At the risk of incurring
    >Jan's wrath, this is an enormous attraction of Christianity.
    >It provides hope to the unhappy and unfortunate. It seems
    >to comfort people. My only concern is when Christianity
    >makes people unhappy. Then I think it's important to know
    >that there is another side to the story. Apparently, you
    >seem to think that Christianity is largely for this world.
    >Be careful, Jan may come after you, you heretic ;-)
    >Take care,
       Again, you do not know me enough apparently. So, please, read me again,
    especially when I talked about the "unhappy and unfortunate." The main
    task for Christians is to assist the unhappy and unfortunate. Helping the
    "unfortunate and unhappy" people was the reason that Jesus walked this
    earth. If Christianity makes people unhappy, it is not true Christianity.


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