Re: Evolution wars

From: D. F. Siemens, Jr. (
Date: Sat Dec 21 2002 - 23:54:55 EST

  • Next message: Adrian Teo: "RE: Evolution wars"

    While it seems to me that various individuals and groups have seen
    something that is relevant that has been ignored or lost, the tendency is
    then to go overboard on that one thing. One sees it in White's Adventism,
    McPherson's pentecostalism, etc. There are those that go further and
    develop full-fledged heresies. The individual drawing apart is
    unfortunately likely to fit II Peter 3:16.

    On Sat, 21 Dec 2002 18:22:26 -0700 "Jim Armstrong"
    <> writes:
    > Boy, does that sound right, that following the majority is a sound
    > way
    > to find the leading of the Holy Spirit? I'm thinking a case might
    > be
    > made that the movement of the Holy Spirit is exactly what draws us
    > apart
    > from majority thought, striving against the tendency toward
    > revelation-resisting stasis of tradition on the one hand, and acting
    > to
    > counter the ebb and flow of faddish and poorly-grounded popular
    > trends
    > on the other.
    > Just a thought. JimA

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