Re: Evolution wars

From: Jim Eisele (
Date: Sat Dec 21 2002 - 11:37:30 EST

  • Next message: Adrian Teo: "RE: animals and humans (was "Evolution wars")"

    Jan writes

    >>George, what kind of new teaching is this? God created all men
    >>sinners so that he could kill his son?

    >A sentence like that shows the shortcomings of an e-mail discussion
    >group. Of course, George did not mean to say, that God created all men as
    >sinners. A thorough explanation does take mor than a few sentences.

    Jan, either you missed my point, or you are not doing me the courtesy
    of recognizing my point. My message was "doesn't this sound a little
    odd?" George has been strangely quiet in replying, and has taken heat
    for his apparent assertions here.

    If you are going to criticize my post, please offer something of
    substance in its stead. What is your theological stance on how
    sin is transmitted through the generations? If you say that would
    take much more time than we have now, why did you even bother to reply
    to my post in the first place? Quite simply, you are obscuring the
    truth. Such tactics destroy what's left of Christianity's reputation.

    I'd say more, but I expect that you'll just reply with the usual complaint
    of "nobody takes the time to study these issues anymore." Well, Jan, how
    about taking the time to contribute to a discussion instead of knee-jerk


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