From: Adrian Teo (
Date: Fri Dec 20 2002 - 23:25:16 EST
Hello George,
You wrote:
1) The fact that Paul "simply assumes" Adam to have
been an historical human
should raise questions about the claim that such a belief is
essential to the
theological point that he is making.
AT: On the contrary, the very point Paul was trying to make
was to draw the parallel between Adam and Christ. Through one, all
sinned, and through one, the grace will come.
Read from 1Cor 15:20 also.
2) & in fact it simply is not true that "the reality
of original sin in all of
us necessitates a single source." In Romans 1:18-3:20 Paul
speaks in detail of the
sinfulness of all human beings without referring to Adam or,
indeed, to any historical
source for that phenomenon.
AT: In context, Paul was trying the persuade the Judaizers
that Jews were as guilty as Gentiles were. The comparison here was
between Jews and Gentiles, whereas in chapter 5, the comparison was
between Adam and Christ.
With due respect for your theological expertise, I have to
disagree with you in this case.
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