Re: Evolution wars

Date: Fri Dec 20 2002 - 12:50:49 EST

  • Next message: Alexanian, Moorad: "RE: science as a complement of cognitions is not necessarily science"

    Darryl Maddox wrote:

    points 1 and 2:
    > 1. What difference does it make? [snip]
    > 2. They don't need a letter, even have to take a
    > course, from from him. [snip]
    > 3rd. Who would give credence to a letter from
    > students freshman teacher [snip]

    That was one thing I was wondering about. He is just
    doing one class, and it is just a meat grinder class
    anyway. Be glad you passed and move on.

    > 1) Is if fair or reasonable for a professor to refuse to write
    a letter
    > of recommendation for a student based on that students belief
    about some
    > particular aspect of a subject. For instance, would it be
    fair to not
    > write recommendations for geology students who did not believe
    in plate
    > tectonics, or an old earth? For chemistry students who did not
    > in atoms? For physics students who did not believe in quantum
    > I am reaching on the last two because I don't know that much
    about them
    > but if people in those fields would like to substitute their
    own anology
    > to the evolution for their particular fields and then comment on my
    > questions I woul be intersted in their thoughts.

    I see your point, but it is difficult to really project
    something of the same caliber on this. It would really
    have to be evaluation on a case by case basis. I remember
    a physicist who had all the answers to superconductivity,
    and you just could not get ANYTHING through his thick
    skull on that one issue. Yet in other ways, he was just
    fine, and very intelligent as a physicist. So would I
    recommend the guy or not? Probably yes, at least if it
    was NOT to do theory on superconductivity.

    I've also known some very intelligent creationists.
    Even if I don't agree with them, I can recognize if
    they are able to do certain kinds of work or not.

    The only place I see any real problem is that I
    sometimes here the claim "I am a doctor and I am
    a creationist". This is an appeal to authority
    that one does not even have, but people often
    buy that one. Atheists also bamboozle people
    misleading them with their knowledge of christian
    theology, so there is nothing unique there with
    false claims of authority.

    2) Would it make any difference whether the letter of recommendation
    was for graduate school or for employment?

    3) Would you recommend for graduate school or would you hire a person
    who didn't believe in something in your field which you feel is
    analogous to the role of evolution in biology?

    Again, if I was dealing with that guy and his superconductivity, I
    think not because I could not
    WORK with him on that. If I was hiring him to
    study heavy fermion metals, one dimensional conductors,
    maybe even magnetic oxides (cringe), there is a chance
    I could work with him. So I really think it depends
    on what the person is doing, and whether I think
    they have a reasonable chance of leading a productive

    For similar reasons, with a YEC true believer, one
    should look into their reasons for going to medical
    school first. Is it for money? Is it because the
    parents told them they should be a doctor? Is it
    because they want to say, "I am a doctor and I believe
    in creationism"? Or, is it because they know in their
    heart that being a doctor is what they should do? That
    is what I would care about in deciding to recommend

    By Grace alone we proceed,

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