science as a complement of cognitions is not necessarily science

Date: Fri Dec 20 2002 - 07:59:26 EST

  • Next message: Jan de Koning: "Re: Does the Bible teach a flat earth?"

    In a message dated 12/20/02 3:25:19 AM Eastern Standard Time, writes:

    > Science is . . . a complement of cognitions, having, in point of form, the
    > character of logical perfection, and in point of matter, the character of
    > real truth. --Sir W.
    > Hamilton.

    Yes, precisely, and real truth does not change. Your complement of cognitions
    may change, but then according to this definition, if your complement of
    cognitions do not, in point of matter, have the character of real truth, they
    are not science. Alchemy was thought to be science. The complement of
    cognitions did not reflect real truth.


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