From: Jim Armstrong (
Date: Wed Dec 18 2002 - 17:15:57 EST
Perhaps you could point to the passage that necessitates the
instantaneousness of this aspect of creation? Regards - JimA
-----Original Message-----
From: Adrian Teo []
Sent: Wednesday, December 18, 2002 2:40 PM
To: Jim Armstrong;
Subject: RE: Evolution wars
In defense of no-longer-lurking Sheila, I think it is perfectly
reasonable to infer from the bible and Christian tradition that there
are certain modes of creation that is incompatible with God's action.
For example, the notion of a gradual (quantitative incremental) creation
of humans is clearly incompatible with humans as created in the image of
God in the Genesis account. The creation of humanity is a unique,
singular, and instant event (qualitative). In other words, there never
was a time when partial humans existed. There was a time when human-like
creatures existed and evolved, with physical features similar to humans,
but these were not humans, not even partial ones. Then at some point in
creation, God breathed human soul into either some ancestral creature or
a body molded from raw matter, and behold, the human person came into
the scene. I am not sure how He did it, but He did not do it in a
gradual way.
Jim wrote:
Dear no-longer-lurking Sheila -
It doesn't feel very comfortable to me to say, "I'm not sure how
He did
it, but I'm absolutely sure how He didn't do it!"
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