Re: George's reply to Howard

From: Joel Peter Anderson (
Date: Mon Dec 09 2002 - 09:04:35 EST

  • Next message: Jay Willingham: "Re: George's reply to Howard"

    On Mon, 9 Dec 2002, Jay Willingham wrote:

    > Jim wrote:
    > " ...With a few exceptions, I think
    > most of this list has accepted Gen 1-11 as mythology/exaggeration.
    > It's gotten a little boring to talk about."
    > I'm coming in on the tail end of this, but I believe I am one of the
    > "few exceptions".
    > How few are we?

    No idea - but, me too. And yeah, the miracles of the NT too. ( I even
    believe it is genuine leather :) ) Following the discussion freedoms and
    limits in Schaeffer's "No Final Conflict", I think there is tremendous
    range within Christendom for understanding the history of Genesis 1-11.

         * joel anderson * *

              vaccines save lives

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