Re: Worthwhile read -- and an Introducion

From: Keith Miller (
Date: Thu Dec 05 2002 - 18:29:49 EST

  • Next message: "Re: Evolution"


    Glad to hear from you. Welcome to the ACG listserve. BTW: skepticism
    is a good quality.

    > And along a similar line, does anyone on this forum know of Jr &/or
    > Sr High science texts that provide a good treatment of earth
    > sciences without being either "young earth" or "no God"? Our kids
    > are home schooled, and we would like to find material to give them
    > a solid grounding in the sciences.

    I am a faculty at Kansas State University with teaching and research
    interests in historical geology, paleoecology, and cyclic stratigraphy.
       My theological position is best described as "continuous creation,"
    meaning that God is actively involved in all natural processes. God
    accomplishes his creative will through natural agents. I fully accept
    an evolutionary understanding of life history including human ancestry.

    I have been very involved over the last few years editing a volume on
    evolution with contributors representing a wide range of disciplines.
    All write with an acceptance of an evolutionary history for the
    universe, the Earth and life. How that evolutionary process is
    envisioned and understood, however, faries significantly among the
    contributors. The book is currently projected for publication by
    Eerdmans this spring. It is written more at the college level, but it
    would certainly provide a useful reference for high school teachers.
    Below is the outline of the book.



    Keith B. Miller (editor)




    Chapter 1)
    "An evolving creation: Oxymoron or fruitful insight?"
    -- Keith Miller (Kansas State University)
    Worship Insert 1)
    "Worshipping the God of providence"
    -- Deborah Haarsma
    Chapter 2)
    "Comparing biblical and scientific maps of origins"
    -- Conrad Hyers (Gustavus Adolphus College)
    Chapter 3)
    "The word and the works: Concordism and American evangelicals"
    -- Ted Davis (Messiah College)
    Worship Insert 2)
    "Worshipping the God of wisdom and mystery"
    -- Ted Davis
    Chapter 4)
    "Charles Hodge and B.B. Warfield on science, the Bible, evolution,
    and Darwinism"
    -- Mark Noll (Wheaton College) and
    David Livingstone (Queens Univ. of Belfast)
    Chapter 5)
    "Does science exclude God?: Natural law, chance, miracles, and
    scientific practice"
    -- Loren Haarsma (Calvin College)


    Chapter 6)
    "An evolving cosmos"
    -- Deborah Haarsma (Calvin College) and
    Jennifer Wiseman (Jophns Hopkins Univ.)
    Chapter 7)
    "Geological framework of an evolving creation"
    -- Jeff Greenberg (Wheaton College)
    Worship Insert 3)
    "Worshipping the Creator of the cosmos"
    -- Deborah Haarsma
    Chapter 8)
    "Common descent, transitional forms, and the fossil record"
    -- Keith Miller (Kansas State Univ.)
    Chapter 9)
    "The 'Cambrian explosion': A challenge to evolutionary theory?"
    -- David Campbell (Saint Mary's College of Maryland) and
    Keith Miller (Kansas State Univ.)
    Worship Insert 4)
    "Worshipping the Creator of the history of life"
    -- Keith Miller
    Chapter 10)
    "Hominids in the garden?"
    -- James Hurd (Bethel College)
    Chapter 11)
    "Finding Adam: The genetics of human origins"
    -- David Wilcox (Eastern College)
    Worship Insert 5)
    "God's power and faithfulness: A lesson from nature"
    -- Loren Haarsma
    Chapter 12)
    "Biochemistry and evolution"
    -- Terry Gray (Colorado State)
    Chapter 13)
    "Complexity, self-organization, and design"
    -- Loren Haarsma (Calvin College) and
    Terry Gray (Colorado State)


    Chapter 14)
    "Is the universe capable of evolving?"
    -- Howard Van Till (Calvin College)
    Chapter 15)
    "Special providence and genetic mutation: A new defense of
    theistic evolution"
    -- Bob Russell (Center for Theology and Natural Sciences)
    Chapter 16)
    "Christology, evolution, and the theology of the cross"
    -- George Murphy (Trinity Lutheran Seminary)
    Worship Insert 6)
    "The peaceable kingdom"
    -- Laurie Braaten
    Chapter 17)
    "An evolving creation and environmental issues"
    -- Jeff Greenberg (Wheaton College)
    Chapter 18)
    "May the glory of the Lord endure forever!: Biblical reflections on
    creation care"
    -- Laurie Braaten (Judson College)
    Worship Insert 7)
    "Being stewards of the creator God"
    -- Jeff Greenberg
    Chapter 19)
    "Animal pain: Beyond the threshold?"
    --John Munday, Jr. (Regent Univ.)
    Chapter 20)
    "Evolution and original sin"
    -- Robin Collins (Messiah College)
    Chapter 21)
    "Evolution, cognitive neuroscience, and the soul"
    -- Warren Brown (Fuller Theological)
    Worship Insert 8)
    "Remembering God's people"
    -- George Murphy

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