BIO: Paul Seely

Date: Sat Aug 10 2002 - 02:17:38 EDT

  • Next message: Callee Soltys: "BIO: Callee Soltys"

    Name: Paul Seely

    Age: 64

    Vocation: Biblical scholar, but have earned a living in various
    entrepreneurial businesses.

    Formal Education: A.A. Olympic Jr. College; B.A. Simpson College (Christian
    Missionary Alliance); B.D. Westminster Theological Seminary

    Informal Education: 20 years of going through each verse of the Bible from
    Gen 1:1 to Rev 22:21 with the help of two or three scholarly commentaries,
    and reading in translation as much of the original sources of Near Eastern,
    Jewish, Greek and Roman history & literature as I could get my hands on
    covering the years from 3000 BC to c. AD 200. Have a moderate knowledge of
    Hebrew, Greek and German and a beginner's knowledge of Latin, French and

    Christian Background: More or less raised a Lutheran, but born again in a
    much more vital way in my second year of college. Participated in the
    charismatic renewal in the 60's. Have attended a number of denominational
    churches from Bible churches to Pentecostal to Reformed to Nazarene. Now
    attend a home church.

    Family: Married to Anita for 43 years. Two sons. Four grandsons. Two

    Interests: Mainly research and writing in the area of science and Scripture.
    Photography. Hiking. Anything out in nature or historical.

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