On 10 May, I wrote to Glenn: I do not use science (scientific
>techniques and mindset) to apprehend God. That does not work. I see you as
>trying to use the scientific technique to apprehend God -- this is probably
>what I meant when I said you had the "YEC mindset."
Glenn replied: "NO, this is what I have never been able to get across
successfully on this list. I am NOT apprehending God, I am apprehending the
message (book) which purports to be FROM God."
OK. I'll accept the difference. But what is meant by the phrase "form God."
You and I and most Xtians hold that the scriptures are, in some way,
different from, say, the writings of Augustine, or Billy Graham. I don't
think either of us think that they were dictated by God to the authors.
I see them more as a record of how each author of the time apprehended God.
Some did it well -- some, as for instance the Psalmist who wanted to bash
the brains out of the Babylonian infants, less well.
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