In your several references to the 'water to wine' miracle, why should
you consider it necessary to require carbon dating of the finished product?
Surely the fact of apparent age is manifest in John 2:10, when the master
of the banquet tells the bridegroom: "Everyone brings out the choice wine
first and then the cheaper wine after the guests have had too much to drink;
but you have saved the best till now."
The fact that this was not some cheap plonk points clearly to the reality
of apparent age. Not only had the alchohol been created miraculously, but
that it was excellent wine implies a lengthy maturation process, where
all kinds of complex and subtle chemical reactions take place over a long
period of time, which improves the character of the wine.
Regarding the creation: clearly, as an <i>ex nihilo</i> event,
it surely merits the title <i>miracle</i> and, further can be justly regarded
as a <i>sign</i> of God's supreme abilities. You appear to associate me
with traditional YEC when you say, " Instead they're continually coming
up with arguments to try to show that there's scientific evidence for a
young earth & universe, a procedure that would make no sense if the
ages were only apparent." No. My approach is rather to believe God's Word
to be revelation - and to draw from it information that appears to have
been overlooked in the general stampede to embrace evolution.
In an earlier post you stated, "The apparent age idea cannot be refuted
scientifically" and, again, "...there is no philosophical or scientific
way of showing that the earth didn't come into being at some point in the
recent past - 6000 years, 15 minutes, or whatever..." I concur.
Finally, let me refer to your most recent post to me headed, "apparent
age RIP" (strangely at odds with your earlier views, quoted above!). It
concerned my reference to the possible implications following the discovery
of variabilty in what had hitherto been considered a rock-solid constant,
viz fine structure. While the variation may be small, would you not agree
that it raises general doubts about man's understanding of natural processes
- and underlines the folly of placing one's faith in the theories currently
in fashion?
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