RE: The firmament -- a solid barrier to concordism

From: Shuan Rose (
Date: Fri May 24 2002 - 15:26:51 EDT

  • Next message: J Burgeson: "Powers of ten web site"

    FYI. The link to Seely's article referenced below is now at

    [Moderator note: the article exists in both places, but the original
    URL was in error; it should be (with
    topics instead of topic).]

    For the record, although I mostly agree with Loren's interpretation, I think
    that we should not pursue a debate on this as people's mind are made up.
    However, I have a feeling that there will be a debate anyway ...


    Paul Seely has an excellent article online at
    which explains in greater depth the ANE physical picture of the
    world. The article also explains the original meanings of the Hebrew
    words which refer to the firmament and the primordial waters.
    Seely's article includes numerous references. I also recommend the
    book "Portraits of Creation," which includes an excellent chapter on
    the same topic.


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