Re: Home-schoolers find intact dinosaur skeleton

From: Mccarrick Alan D CRPH (
Date: Wed May 22 2002 - 08:06:50 EDT

  • Next message: Walter Hicks: "Re: Science Education and the Church"

    I tried to dig up some info on Doug Phillips.

    He is the director of a Christian family ministry "Vision Forum"
    that has a web site.

    ICR does list him on their Adjunct Faculty list with: BA Cal State
    Fullerton, 1976; MS from ICR graduate school, 1985; and PhD from
    Loma Linda 1989. Loma Linda is a 7th Day Adventist school with many
    graduate programs including biology and geology with specialties in
    paleontology. I was not able to find any info on Phillips at the LL

    ICR also attaches Esq. to his name indicating the he has a law degree too.

    I often wonder what those adjunct faculty do for ICR and how they
    think through their creationism with their professions.

    Al McCarrick

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