RE: Catholic Church and Morality

From: Adrian Teo (
Date: Tue May 21 2002 - 18:14:19 EDT

  • Next message: Walter Hicks: "Re: Something new on Genesis 1"


    Apology accepted. However, it is inherently unfair to make blanket
    accusations without supporting evidence. That was why I found the
    post offensive.

    I'll let this rest.



            -----Original Message-----
            From: Stuart d Kirkley []
            Sent: Wed 5/15/2002 3:05 PM
            To: American Scientific Affliation; Adrian Teo
            Subject: Re: Catholic Church and Morality

            If I offended you or anyone else with my post, I apologise. I
    don't think my entire post was as anti-catholic as you claim. I admit
    that my tone and choice of words in the first answer may have been
    inflammatory, and I regret that. My argument is not with Catholics,
    but with the policy and doctrines of the Catholic church in this
    instance. It is not meant to be offensive. I liken it to being the
    same as criticising a countries government foreign policies. You may
    be critical of the government but you are not condemning the
    countries citizens. Since this was my intent, I make no apology for
    the content of my answer, just for the tone I employed. I think that
    my allegation is not without foundation or merit, and, as I said, it
    is not directed towards the Catholic faithful, but to the policy of
    the Catholic Church in general and the Catholic school board in

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