ASA Science Ed website

From: Craig Rusbult (
Date: Mon May 20 2002 - 16:58:29 EDT

  • Next message: Craig Rusbult: "origins theories (in ASA Sci Ed website)"

         The Science Education Commission of the American Scientific Affiliation
    is developing a website that's intended to be a useful educational resource.
    Here is a brief description, written for the annual ASA business report.


          Our main goals for the ASA Science Education website, for what we hope
    a teacher can gain from using it, are summarized on the home page: "We want
    to help you motivate students, improve their knowledge and thinking skills,
    and provide Christian perspectives on science and nature." The website has
    seven areas: Teaching Methods, Teaching Activities, World Views, Origins
    Theories, Learning Skills, Thinking Skills, and Nature of Science. Some
    areas are more developed than others, and all will be "under construction"
    for awhile.
          In our educational ministry for teachers and students (in public,
    private, and home schools) in the Christian community and outside it, the
    area of Origins Theories will be especially important. Therefore, in the
    near future a major objective is the development of high-quality resources
    for origins education, presented in a "multiple positions" format that is
    pedagogically useful and is appropriate for ASA. The introduction to this
    area explains that in contrast with most websites, which express only a
    single view of origins, "a website of the ASA should reflect the diversity
    of views in ASA and in the Christian community. ... Instead of providing
    the Origins Answer, we'll explore interesting Origins Questions."
          During the process of development, the origins area will have two
    home-pages: one, with links to it from other parts of the website, is for
    the general public, while the other (with URL given below) includes material
    that is being submitted for feedback and suggestions for improvement.
    Gradually, more and more of the temporarily hidden developmental area will
    be made available, one part at a time, through links from the public home

          URLs for the whole website and the origins area: and

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