I am trying to find and pass on a message to a Christian who will be able
to understand the short letter below; a man who will have gleeful insight
into it, put his arms around it, confirm it, and communicate that
confirmation. Itís one thing to do the research, itís entirely another to
have it confirmed. I know that not everyone will have the breadth to fully
appreciate whatís been written, but if you would, communicate this letter to
others. Perhaps someone may communicate to such a man. I believe this
will serve a good purpose in the Lord. It may also be useful for Christians
to read this, and take what they can from the letter.
In Christ, Steve.
Dear reader,
This letter is not an idle speculation, but the result of more than 30
years of careful research into the word of God. I ask, in the name of
Jesus, that it be read with integrity, and, if having found it to have
worth, that you communicate it to others. For any who may have the ability
and means to confirm what has been written, please do so, and send that
confirmation to others.
When I was a young lad, I noticed that there was a strong and
disrespectful disagreement about the method of creation between proponents
of the Bible, and the mainstream scientific community. What struck me most
strongly about this was that those who accepted the Bible had not used the
Bible. They had not looked at the statements about the creation in Genesis,
and developed math from that. It seemed plain to me that there were two
parts to evolutionary doctrine: organic evolution, and physical evolution.
If the tenets of physical evolution were proven invalid, then organic
evolution would also be untenable. For, organic evolution depended
absolutely on having a great amount of time for little changes to
I began by studying the first few sentences of Genesis, and found that
the word commonly translated as brooded was from an ancient Hebrew word
meaning to press down on. There was a simple equation that fit the
question, ìWhat happens to a particle when it is put under pressure, and
then released?î. I worked with the insights that came out of that equation
for many years. Along the way I remembered my original objective, and so
put together three simple and confrontational proofs.
More than anything I suppose, the arrogant attitude of the scientific
community had made a deep impression on me. The attitude of ìwe know
everything, and we did not need to learn from God to gain that knowledgeî,
and ìweíre sure, because weíve talked with each other, and mutually
validated our beliefs.î So the first proof deals with the major mystery of
the previous century: the Tunguska explosion.
On June 30, 1908 there was an explosion in the Tungus region of Siberia.
The explosion knocked down trees in over 2000 square kilometers of land.
In China, those who saw it said that it appeared that the sky had split in
half. For the next two nights the northern skies were so bright that people
in Europe were able to read without artificial light. No acceptable
explanation of this mystery has yet been communicated.
The answer to this riddle is found in Australia. The Henbury Craters are
the other end of this event. A seismic investigation to the north of the
craters will reveal that the craters are the ends of shafts of crushed rock,
bearing on a strike of 14 degrees, 35 minutes NNW. In brief, this was an
occurrence of the physics that normally manifests itself in the planetary
magnetic field, momentarily increasing in extent. Material was ejected from
the earthís interior both to the north, and to the south. To the north, the
ejected material was seen two nights after the event as Comet Morehouse,
1908 III, the aptly denominated ìnew cometî. This physics manifests itself
more frequently on the sun, where it is seen as sunspots.
No math is required to recognize that inertia is then not a constant of
nature, and, with only minor extension of reasoning, neither is gravity, nor
rotation on the Solar System scale. So these beliefs so basic to the
scientific community are not correct, and those things which were assumed to
be simple structural constants are found instead to have complexity, and
dynamic aspects.
I pose two questions. What physics would account for the cause of the
explosion in the Mahabharata, or the means of destruction of the cities of
the plain? What physics accounts for the sun and moon standing still in the
days of Joshua, or again when the shadow returned backward in Hezekiahís
The second deep impression Iíve gained over the years was of how content
people were to unreasonably take a firm stand on what their family or
community accepted, even if it was only an attitude of ìWho can know?î.
There are many religions, each claiming to be right, and the scientific
establishment knows no God. True followers of Christ base their response on
reason, mainly keyed from three points of view: (1) the Bible critically
deals with real and important issues, (2) the Bible presents principled
teaching, from principled foundations, and (3) the Biblical progression of
manís relationship with God follows well understood developmental stages:
first obedience and trust, followed later by recognition of sacrifice,
faith, love, patience in well-doing, and hope for a good reward; the same
stages children go through in their relationships with their parents. The
second proof then relates to the physical aspects of the account of creation
found in Genesis.
In the last few years astronomers have accumulated data on supernovae.
This data, which includes highly accurate position information, is freely
found in numerous places on the web. Take the following 6 pairs of
supernovae as examples:
2001jf 1999fi 2001fm 2002N 2001hn 1999fj
2001jh 2001hm 2001jg 2001hl 2001fi 2001fb
Using no more than pencil, graph paper, and a ruler, these can be entered as
points on a graph, and lines drawn through the pairs will be found to
intersect (near 2 hours, 20 minutes 10 seconds, 0 degrees North 37 minutes
19 seconds). Five of the pair intersect within one arc second square, the
sixth is not far away. What the reader may recognize is that each of these
pairs lie on great circles, that one, or both, of the supernovae are only
reflections, and that the intersection is one of two points on a great
spherical mirror, either the reflecting far point, or the reflecting near
point. Using a large number math package (for high accuracy) and spherical
trigonometry, it will be found that many of the recorded supernovae are only
reflections, and that there are a large number of these great circles
intersecting in the two reflection points. Even if a few of these pairs are
found to be only coincidental, the large number of intersections defies
But look at the dates. The pairs are often within the same year of
discovery, or only a year or two apart. And, since supernovae quickly fade,
this means that the speed of light, which was assumed to be a constant, is
not a constant at all. Certainly the speed of light seems to be a constant
within our solar system (except if youíve already logically caught
differently in the earlier proof), but now there is evidence that the speed
of light is much greater outside the small structure of the solar system.
Does, in fact, the speed of light increase greatly from structure to
structure: from solar system to galaxy, from galaxy to galactic cluster,
from Ö
Consider again an expansion of those things which were created by
pressure. Any inhomogeneity in those particles that were created would be
greatest at the smallest scale. Therefore any physical mechanism which
imposed a uniform local state and would have been initiated by
inhomogeneity, would have occurred at the smallest scale. So the creation
sequence of structural states would have been from the smallest scale to the
largest scale. As well, the subsequent creation of larger structural states
would have imposed cumulative changes to the earlier, smaller structural
states. A lot of words to say: the creation sequence of Genesis is
confirmed: first the earth, then the sun and stars begin nuclear burning as
the gravitation increases as another state was created. And so the
sequence in Genesis, of periods of darkness and light, refer not to physical
24 hour days (though that might have been the case, I know not), but rather
to the increasing scalar development of the universe during which the laws
of nature were changing.
Thus the creation steps of the Bible are verified. We see design, not
accident, with structures of scale, and with different laws pertinent to
different structures and scales. We, and the Universe we live in, were
created. The Universe was not just something that existed, wherein we just
came along. Who is God? Jehovah of the Bible.
And the dating mechanisms of physical evolution? Without constants, they
are all invalidated.
Again, I will pose two questions. What was the shape of the lens, and
what was itís refractive index, that caused the Great Siberian Darkness of
1938? And, what physical phenomena would account for the darkness at the
crucifixion of Jesus?
The third deep impression Iíve gained over the years is how often there
are people who continue to hang on to former beliefs. There will obviously
then be those that say, ìBut if there were enough time, then with an
accumulation of small changes, might not organic evolution still be valid,
and all this just some accident?î. If you and I were to walk along a desert
ravine and find a clay pot, one of us might think it to be some natural rock
formation. But if the other were to turn it over, and find the potterís
fingerprint crisp and clear, it would convince us both. So this third proof
addresses the age of the earth.
There are three major outstanding problems in the Geophysics of the
earth. First, the continental shapes and distribution pattern on the
surface of the earth have been a puzzle for many decades. Second, the cause
of lineaments, great cracks through the crust of the earth, remain a
mystery. These are the more puzzling because of their implied sudden
occurrence, considering how so much great plastic deformation is seen,
especially in the metamorphic rocks. Though maybe not of common knowledge,
lineaments, and particularly the intersections of lineaments, are well known
by geologists, having been found to be useful in discovering many rich
mineral deposits. These lineaments are of two basic types, stress relief
and tension. The stress relief lineaments occur on a finer scale, varying
from as little as 160 feet to 60 miles apart. The great tension lineaments
are easily seen in their great scale on detailed maps of the earthís sea
floor. Third, the physical cause of the flood in the days of Noah remains
All three of these have the same cause. Take a globe in your hands, and
turn it to look at the Northern Pacific Ocean. The landmasses to the east
and west show an interestingly symmetric pattern. That pattern can be
recognized by using a little spherical trigonometry in a spreadsheet
package, and plotting the results. Take the equatorial and polar radii of
the earth, and build a math model of the earthís radius at various positions
of latitude and longitude. Then compute and plot what the net change in
radii would be for each position if the pole were to change position.
Whether you changed the polar position by 10 or 20 or 30 degrees or more,
the same pattern would present itself. Much of the continental margins fall
on the line of change. You can then easily perceive the great tension
rifts, and understand the immediate cause of lineaments, and grasp how
devastating and real the story of the flood was. Itís true that there is
more to the complete math than that. Youíd want to know the positions of
the moon and sun, and their effect. Youíd want to know the effects of
crustal rebound. Youíd want to know that the physics of seemingly spherical
bodies is neither radially uniform, nor axially uniform, but that the
mathematical physics acts along significantly curved surfaces tangential to
the polar axis. That would help you better comprehend the apparent push
down of the Arctic region, and push out of the Antarctic region. It would
also help you better understand why the Southern Hemisphere seemingly
reversed pattern. And the change of pole position, oblateness, and
curvature, would enlighten your understanding of the cause of mountain
building, just as crustal rebound would enlighten your understanding of the
reason for the ring of fire, the ring of volcanic activity that bounds the
Pacific Ocean.
So then, no great time passed, nor was there little change by little
change, but rather the earth is still fresh and well defined, and shows the
makerís mark. Who is God? Jehovah of the Bible.
Both historical and prophetic event phenomena match consistent with
changes of state in the Solar System, as from the loss or gain of a planet,
not just in the Old Testament (at the time of the Flood, the tower of Babel,
and the Exodus), but even more so in the New Testament (look at the
prophecies in the Matthew, Mark, Luke, and especially Revelations). When do
lifespans change? When are there massive earthquakes, and every mountain
and island moved, and when is the calendar system changed? When do the
speed of light and the gravitational constant change, so that the sunís
surface radiation significantly dims or brightens? And when do the clouds
recede, and when does the earthís atmosphere expand, so that orbital trash
is swept up and burnt? And who spoke of these things long before the
mechanisms were known? Who is God? Jehovah of the Bible, and Jesus, His
Written April 18, 2002 by Stephen Lovell.
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