RE: The Mother of Concordisms

From: Don Perrett (
Date: Fri May 17 2002 - 13:22:11 EDT

  • Next message: bivalve: "Re: The Mother of Concordisms"

    If your looking for an unusual flood story and Genesis in general, take a
    look at The author proposes
    that Saturn was once a brown dwarf and Jupiter came into our system as a
    rogue and the collision caused water vapor loss of Saturn which caused the
    flood. Not only does it bring the flood into play, it also meshes the
    various ancient religions into the theme, as well as Judaism. For the record
    I completely disagree with the relation to Hebrew faith but it does give
    some explanations for other near east religions. To get a better
    understanding of it you might want to read it. It may sound unbelievable,
    and is, but it is an interesting theory. Perhaps you and George might like

    Don Perrett

    -----Original Message-----
    From: []On
    Behalf Of Graham Morbey
    Sent: Friday, May 17, 2002 6:36 AM
    Subject: Re: The Mother of Concordisms

    Woe! "Dutch Reform" may have nothing to do with Calvin, but "Dutch
    Reformed" does and I think the pastor in South Africa was meant to be
    referred to as "Dutch Reformed".

    On Thu, 16 May 2002 wrote:

    > In a message dated 04/25/02 10:56:48 AM, writes:
    > << The 30 April issue of _Weekly World News_ (pp.24-25_) announces
    > that Noah's Ark has been seen on Mars by the Ross-Waterhaus Observatory
    > in Johannesburg. Apparently the earth was colonized millions of years
    > ago from Mars, and the colonists brought the story of the flood with
    > them. A pastor of the "Dutch Reform" church (Calvin College folks
    > please note) is quoted as saying, "Whatever else, this confirms once
    > again that the Bible is true." >>
    > "Dutch Reform" in S. Africa has about as much to do with Calvin as it
    > with Muhlenberg College :-).
    > Bob

    Graham E. Morbey, Chaplain || Wilfrid Laurier University
    tel. 519-884-1970 ext.2739 || Waterloo, Ontario, Canada N2L 3C5
    fax 519-885-4865 ||

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