Re: The Mother of Concordisms

From: Graham Morbey (
Date: Fri May 17 2002 - 07:35:53 EDT

  • Next message: george murphy: "Re: O Freunde, nicht diese Toene"

    Woe! "Dutch Reform" may have nothing to do with Calvin, but "Dutch
    Reformed" does and I think the pastor in South Africa was meant to be
    referred to as "Dutch Reformed".

    On Thu, 16 May 2002 wrote:

    > In a message dated 04/25/02 10:56:48 AM, writes:
    > << The 30 April issue of _Weekly World News_ (pp.24-25_) announces
    > that Noah's Ark has been seen on Mars by the Ross-Waterhaus Observatory
    > in Johannesburg. Apparently the earth was colonized millions of years
    > ago from Mars, and the colonists brought the story of the flood with
    > them. A pastor of the "Dutch Reform" church (Calvin College folks
    > please note) is quoted as saying, "Whatever else, this confirms once
    > again that the Bible is true." >>
    > "Dutch Reform" in S. Africa has about as much to do with Calvin as it does
    > with Muhlenberg College :-).
    > Bob

    Graham E. Morbey, Chaplain || Wilfrid Laurier University
    tel. 519-884-1970 ext.2739 || Waterloo, Ontario, Canada N2L 3C5
    fax 519-885-4865 ||

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