Nice try, Tim. But pregnancy isn't inherently risky - it may well be for
some but clearly is not so for all. It also confers certain
protections, especially if a woman has her first child before the age of
30. Sodomy, on the other hand, is inherently damaging to the lower bowel
(whether or not a condom is used, by the way).
On Tue, 14 May 2002 20:40:41 -0400 Tim Ikeda <>
> Kamilla wrote to Shaun:
> (in the "Re: Is there a gay gene?" thread)
> [...]
> > Since your brother is a psychiatrist, he surely knows the
> consequences
> > to his physical health of acting on his homosexual desires.
> I suppose levels of stress-related hormones in his body may drop
> and he may live longer and happier. Long-term depression can really
> take a toll on the body.
> > Is that something you really want to embrace on his behalf?
> [...]
> Well, heterosexual sex may lead to the often risky medical
> condition
> known as pregnancy.
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