Your arguments are very good AT, but let me add something else.
Louise: Similarly, we could have three different women who
describe themselves as
#1 read a Biblical passage that condemned homosexuality,
thought "Who is this
God person to tell me what to do?" and promptly went out and
found a female
lover "I'll show Him!"
#2 was raised in a home with a violent father who abused her
mother, and now
totally distrusts all men, and therefore seeks out
relationships with women.
#3 has congential adrenal hyperplasia, a gentic mutation
which caused her
adrenal glands to produce high levels of testosterone in
utero. Studies have
shown that women with this condition show higher levels of
tomboyish behavior
as children and are more likely to identify themselves as
lesbian or bisexual
as adults. This is thought to be a result of action of
testosterone on the
brain during development.
If the degree of morality in the women's sexual actions the
same for all
three? Are all of their actions controlled by "free will" to
the same degree?
Or does knowing something about the suspected causal factors
give us basis for
making a different judgement? If so, the answer to the
scientific "how?"
questions does influence the question a Christian must ask
"Is this behavior
right or wrong in the eyes of God?"
Don P: Let's see. #1 is obviously wrong, she made the choice. #2 is wrong
because she did not follow the bible in chosen her mate with God's guidance
and failed to leave the situation in time to prevent damage to her and her
kids. #3 is also wrong because they did not seek medical treatment, i.e.
estrogen injections to balance out the testosterone. Anymore examples? Even
a person born with no sight can get treatments to at lest help them deal
with life. And I suppose that a manic depressive who is unable to deal with
life should not take medication. Anyone with a predisposition should just
use the excuse that they are born that way or they are a victim of their
environment. AT makes a good statement by saying that we are not animals.
Although we may biologically be, spiritually we are not. God expects us to
have a hard time, even Christ was tempted. But, we must not listen to our
bodies, but rather our souls. To do otherwise dooms us.
AT: In cases 2 & 3, there is no will involved in the person's
*desire* for intimate relationship with same-sex partners. However,
humans are not like animals that are ruled by their appetites. Reason
and will may not have much influence over desires, but they do have
influence over *behavior*. Regardless of my personal desires, I am in
control of my actions - I choose to do this or that, to act or to
refrain from acting on my desires. The bible does not condemn
homosexual orientation, but it does condemn homosexual behavior.
Don P: Excellent point AT.
Don Perrett
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