Louise wrote: "Question is, is a homosexual relationship that follows the
other scriptural guidelines for heterosexual relationships (Patient, kind,
not jealous or slow to anger, monogamous, chaste until marriage (tho we'd
have to let them marry to enforce that rule, right? OK, chaste until they
move to Vermont and get a civil union) etc.) in the category of "child
molestation" or "lefthandedness" in terms of being against God's will?"
A good statement of the question -- or issue. I'd add "adult," "long-term"
and "loving" to the necessary qualifications you list.
You mention that you have not yet taken a personal position on this. I hope
you will look at at least some of the materials and links on the subject on
my website (page 2, section 10). Both sides are represented fairly, I think.
I found the debate between Tony Compolo, whom I greatly respect, and his
good wife particularly instructive.
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