Farewell (fwd)

From: Joel Cannon (jcannon@jcannon.washjeff.edu)
Date: Mon May 13 2002 - 08:46:30 EDT

  • Next message: Graham Morbey: "Re: What does a liberal think?"

    Farewell Allan.

    I am sorry to see you go since you were one of
    a small group of people whose posts I would read no matter what the
    thread. I have to confess to similar feelings as I sit here trying to
    clear out my email by deleting about 95% of the messages unread.

    Forwarded message:
    > From asa-owner@lists.calvin.edu Sun May 12 21:22:10 2002
    > From: SteamDoc@aol.com
    > I'm signing off the ASA list as I prepare to leave on a vacation.
    > However ... I've decided I won't be rejoining after I get back, at least not
    > for a while.
    > The quantity/quality ratio here has mushroomed these past few months.
    > Moderation has helped a little, but still too many posts seem to be graceless
    > arguments between people who make no effort to understand each other, or side
    > trips into unedifying non-ASA topics, or lengthy discussions on topics I
    > don't care about (can't blame the list for that one; tastes vary). At this
    > point in my life, it just isn't worth my time and frustration to wade through
    > 50 posts a day for the one or two that I find edifying. It's time for a
    > break.
    > Blessings,
    > Allan

    Joel W. Cannon | (724)223-6146
    Physics Department | jcannon@washjeff.edu
    Washington and Jefferson College |
    Washington, PA 15301 |

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