At 09:07 PM 09/05/02 +0100, Vernon Jenkins wrote:
>I was not intending to imply that God's Word makes for easy reading, and in
>writing as I did it was never my intention to exascerbate division among
>Christian believers. But, as an advocate of plain speaking, I did think it
>appropriate to point out that the Bible has certain fundamental things to say
>about the nature of man and about the reality of the supernatural - matters
>that lie outside the gift of science - and hardly referred to in this
>forum. In
>my view these have a direct bearing upon our behaviour and claims as
>- and as assessors of the behaviour and claims of others.
It seems that you misunderstood me. I would like that some of the things
which are not discussed , but which are at the bottom of one's beliefs,
were discussed more and better. However, I do think that it will be
difficult, since some of the particip[ants in the discussions do not
realize, that part of their life stays out of the other part of their
life. That is a situation which I do not understand, but I realize it will
take a lot of study for them to see it, and fo us (others) to show it.
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