Glenn wrote, in art: " I am using Ugaboogah to illustrate that if the
theology/requirements of Ugaboogah are mutually incompatible with the
theology/requirements of Jehovah, then they can no more be the same god any
more than Zeus and Jehovah are the same."
Yeah -- I understand that. The problem I have is that all of us worship a
god who is "just a little bit different" than the one our neighbor worships.
That is because we all "see through a glass, darkly."
Among the liberal Presbyterians at my church, Montview Blvd in Denver, I
know that I perceive God in some ways -- perhaps many ways -- differently
than they do. They are still my kinfolk in Christ.
Among the conservative Presbyterians at my home church in Durango, the same
statement applies.
And when I worship with my son, a Southern Baptist minster in West Texas, or
my brother, a Lutheran pastor in Ohio, the same statement applies.
The relationship with Christ is what matters, not the doctrines, the
You made up "Ugaboobah" and you are entitled to define him as you wish.
That Ugaboobah is not "God" is evident from your definition. My question is
"how far off from the "true view of God" can we be? I don't know the answer
to this, and I am sure scholars differ.
What we all do is make models of God. What we ought not do is worship those
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