Re: The Problem of Liberal Theology....Episcopal Church

From: Joel Cannon (
Date: Wed May 08 2002 - 15:08:10 EDT

  • Next message: Glenn Morton: "RE: Gaps in the Genesis genealogies?"

    Michael Roberts, responding to Shuan Rose:

    > > A question, Michael. Are there any conservative elements in the Anglican
    > > Church? My YEC folks view the Anglican and Episcopal Church as being
    > totally
    > > riddled by liberalism . What's the truth of that?
    > Sorry to be slow. The Episcopal church in the USA tends to be liberal but
    > has conservative ellements and also conservative breakaway Anglicans.
    > In England there is a strong consservative group - mostly evangelical and
    > some anglocatholic.

    There are a small but growing number of evangelical Episcopalian
    priests. I have personally been in three churches served by
    evangelical priests and have known others. I am a member of one now.
    In some cases I have been disappointed that anglicanism didn't take
    more of the rough edges off the evangelicals. In my opinion, like the
    rest of evangelicalism, too many seem to covet neat black-white
    pictures more than truth.

    Joel Cannon

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