FW: Perspectives on Science and Christian Faith - Journal of

From: Shuan Rose (shuanr@boo.net)
Date: Wed May 08 2002 - 11:48:40 EDT

  • Next message: Shuan Rose: "RE: The Problem of Liberal Theology"

    the American Scientifi
    Date: Wed, 8 May 2002 11:38:15 -0400
    Sender: asa-owner@lists.calvin.edu
    Precedence: bulk

            This exchange concerns a response by one of my YEC friends
    to reading an
    ASA journal article advocating that Christians take a bigger role in caring
    for the environment. His attitude is classic YEC. I jotted a quick response,
    but thought that I would ask the list to comment on the issues raised.

    -----Original Message-----
    From: Shuan Rose [mailto:shuanr@boo.net]
    Sent: Wednesday, May 08, 2002 10:28 AM
    To: John Woodworth; Tim Griffin; Ron Scheller; Rick Grill; Pin H. Chen;
    Dan Pugh
    Subject: RE: Perspectives on Science and Christian Faith - Journal of
    the American Scientifi

            Hi, John.
            What I think the writer did was to take seriously Gen.
    1:26-28 and Gen .
            These verses speak of Man's responsibility for creation .
    Stewardship of
    creation seems to ` be among the the very first tasks that God gave to Man.
    It behooves us to take it s seriously.It involves far more than polishing
    brass. God loves His creation(Jn 3:16) and has a vision for the entire
    cosmos (Col . 1:15-20).I would say that at least we should m make sure that
    we don't muck up His creation.In short, we have to do it all- both proclaim
    t the gospel AND take care of His Creation. We tend to
    remember the first,
    and foget the second.

    -----Original Message-----
    From: John Woodworth [mailto:towed@toad.net]
    Sent: Tuesday, May 07, 2002 9:41 PM
    To: Tim Griffin; Ron Scheller; Rick Grill; Pin H. Chen; Dan Pugh; Shuan
    Subject: Re: Perspectives on Science and Christian Faith - Journal of
    the American Scientifi

    Shuan, et.al,

         I've included others in the responce so that they have the opportunity
    to read some pseudo-christian "nice think", if they choose to.

         This writer seems to have missed a few pertinent verses, and worse - the
    basic reason of why Jesus came. The Fall fouled the creation (earth &
    universe) up so utterly that God is going to destroy it all, and start over.
    While there is temporal interest in doing the least damage to the
    bio-sphere, God is more intersted in eternal things - like human souls. On a
    sinking ship it is wiser to help passengers into life boats, than to polish

         What have we done lately to extend His dominion, and glory among the
    world (i.e. the humans, not the space shuttle we ride) that HE so loves?

         The question at the judgement won't have anything to do with creation.
    It will be, "AreYOU in My Son?"

                                                 - John

    ----- Original Message -----
    From: "Shuan Rose" <shuanr@boo.net>
    To: "Dan Pugh" <DPugh@IWIF.com>; "John Woodworth" <towed@toad.net>; "Pin H.
    Chen" <phchen@chencompserv.com>; "Rick Grill" <rgrills@mde.state.md.us>;
    "Ron Scheller" <rschelle@allegisgroup.com>; "Tim Griffin" <timkat@toad.net>
    Sent: Monday, May 06, 2002 3:51 PM
    Subject: Perspectives on Science and Christian Faith - Journal of the
    American Scientifi

    > http://www.asa3.org/ASA/PSCF/1996/PSCF9-96DeWitt.html

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